Nice purple and white pattern. Chevron Amethystalsoknownas Dog Tooth Amethyst,is the name given to naturally occurring Amethyst and White Quartzin a bandedor“V”pattern. Promotes spiritualascension Raises your spiritualenergetic vibration.Assists you in...
❥CRYSTAL BIG SPIN: 1 spin for 1 ball. Each ball contains only 1 kind of crystal item, it could be one item or several items of the same kind. The more...
Different shape for rosequartz and howlite.The heart bowl is about 0.22kg,the cat bowl is about 0.4kg,flower bowl around 0.5kg Howlite strengthens memory and stimulates desirefor knowledqeIt teaches patienceand helpstoeliminate rage,pain...
Amethyst sphere!High quality!diameter:48mm Amethyst can help people emotionally,particularly those who are grieving. This crystal can help a person deal with painful experiences and personal losses. It strengthens a person by...