100g/bag ❤lt revitalises, purifies and balances energy,bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.Inspires love ano devotion. Garnet balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmonv.It activates and strengthens the survival instinct,...
❤Rosequartz restores trust and harmony in relationships,encouraging unconditional love.Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love,friendship deep inner healing and feelings of peace. ❤A stone...
lt refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. There are seven main chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of...
Rhodonite isa stone of compassion an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the pastand that nurtures love.Itstimulates,clearsandactivates the heartRhodonitegrounds energy.balances yin-yang,and aids in achieving one's highest...
So cuteeee and beautiful bottle which with different gravels inside,also amethyst cluster on top.
Fluorite absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress.An excellentlearningaidFluorite increases our powers of concentration, self-confidence and helps us in decision makinglt encourages positivity,balances the energies and improves balance and coordination,...
Yooperlite encourages creative expression optimistic perspective and personal growthThese babies are full of syenite which is what makes them glow like molten lava under UV light!