RHODONITE: Helps one realize their unique gifts and encourages them on their path to fulfilling their destiny Filled with unconditional spiritual lovethis crystal helps to ground the feeling of love...
非常漂亮的紫色白色 z 图案。 梦幻紫水晶是紫水晶和白色石英的组合,因此它具有石英的强化和增强特性以及紫水晶的缓解压力特性,是与第三眼脉轮一起工作时使用的最佳宝石之一,因为它可以增强所有平面上的直觉和物理视觉存在使用它来帮助消除对变化的阻力并溶解/排斥各种消极情绪。梦幻紫水晶在用户周围创造一个强大的治疗场,有利于清洁气场。增强免疫系统。 脉轮点是第三只眼。
[video width="544" height="960" mp4="https://alkingdom.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/50353129b69bdcb51197e2491071771a.mp4"][/video] Aquamarineisa“Stone of Courage and Protection”and its soothing energy makes ita perfect companion to calm fears and phobias. Used most often with the Throat Chakra to enhance...