Good shape and nice color. This stone is believed to be a positive stone of prosperity diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadershippromoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. Promotes healing of the physical...
This stone is believed to be a positive stone of prosperity diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadershippromoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. Promotes healing of the physical bodyIncreases wealthand prosperity.Protectsgardens and homes...
Bismuth specimen withbeautiful flash! Bismuth is a stone of great vitality.It provides the energy and passion you need for daily tasks, while also aiding in mentalemotional renewal. During overwhelming andisolating...
Tourmalinated Quartzfacilitates out-of-body experiences and provides protection while traveling. Tourmalinated Quartz is an excellent crystal for healing rooms and environments.Tourmalinated Quartz absorbs energies released during sessionspurifies the energies and recycles...
Original stone ring, adjustable. Black tourmaline is a kind of purifying stone, which can purify negative thoughts, anxiety, anger or feelings of inferiority.
So beautiful blue color! Blue Apatiteisa stone of manifestation attuned to thefuture,activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. Apatite will stimulate the intellect and brings ideas from the mind...
So wonderful modeling!Blue apatite ring! Blue Apatiteisa stone of manifestation attuned to thefuture,activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. Apatite will stimulate the intellect and brings ideas from...
Blue Apatiteisa stone of manifestation attuned to thefuture,activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. Apatite will stimulate the intellect and brings ideas from the mind down into the earth...
Blue Apatiteisa stone of manifestation attuned to thefuture,activating psychic abilities and allowing expansion of knowledge. Apatite will stimulate the intellect and brings ideas from the mind down into the earth...
This Lemurian Aquatine Calcite getsits name fromitsaffinity to the element ofwaterand tothewater-oriented civilization of Lemuria.Whether a physical or etheric placeLemuria was a realm of watery qualities-intuitiondreamingfeelingand visionaryconsciousness Lemurian Aquatine Calcite...
Blue Sandstone has the meaning and properties ofattracting good luck is a gemstone filled withbright energy of light.Itchanges the"negative flow" to the"positiveflow".lt isa gemstone to neatly reset negative unnecessary...
Blue Sandstone has the meaning and properties ofattracting good luck is a gemstone filled withbright energy of light.Itchanges the"negative flow" to the"positiveflow".lt isa gemstone to neatly reset negative unnecessary...
Both blue and green is available. Blue Sandstone has the meaning and properties ofattracting good luck is a gemstone filled withbright energy of light.Itchanges the"negative flow" to the"positiveflow".lt isa...